Want to partner with test-ipv6.com?

Access and Content Providers: At a recent conference I presented a lightening talk on test-ipv6.com. Content providers may be measuring "user brokenness", but test-ipv6.com is trying to tell the user specifically they are broken. Later I was approached by a cable operator and a content provider, asking what my thoughts were on the content provider sending traffic my way; and coordination with the ISPs.

At this time we're now gathering content and access providers for actual discussion. Several participants are present already. If you are a bona fide content or access provider, or someone who's a recognized facilitator for IPv6 in the operator community, we'd like to bring you into the discussion. Mailing list signup is at http://test-ipv6.com/mailman/listinfo/v6providers .

Run this on your own site: This is an open source project. I would be happy if you were able to adopt this project to fit the needs of you and your customers.

Mirroring: The test-ipv6.com site is just a single server, and won't scale infinitely. And, since I have no desire to run advertising, I can't justify directly funding additional resources. However, what I can do, is make use of mirror sites. If your organization has the capability to run a mirror site, let me know. I can work with a variety of models - ranging from you fully managing the site, to the other end of the spectrum where you give me the keys to a VM.

Translation: This site could benefit from translating into other languages. Please contact jfesler@test-ipv6.com before starting; both for guidance, and to make sure there is no duplication of effort. Your translations will ultimately be made available on all mirror sites, and have a maximum positive effect for people. This does require a minimum skill level with "svn" and the ability to edit text files; strong coding skills are not required.

Other identified opportunities

test-ipv6.com's goal is to help reduce the "broken user" problem - that is, help people identify that they have IPv6 configured but it is not configured correctly or otherwise broken. To the extent possible, these are the things we'd like to do, that we need additional help with.

  1. Detailed "fix it" or at least "diagnose it" steps for any specific set of symptoms. IF you have identified any specific steps for users to follow, and are willing to share with the public, I'd love to take them. I can show them when appropriate (specific conditions detected; specific OS detected; etc).
  2. ISP's who are willing to help troubleshoot their broken users: send me your IPv4 public IP ranges, and a landing page for the user. I'll recommend to those specific users to go to that page. Ideally, this would be some form page where I can pass to you what conditions I detected, to helpfully assist your tech support.
  3. ISP's who are willing to help troubleshoot broken users in general: if a user shares their configuration with me, and they are "broken", I'll need help with working with them on identifying how to fix them. These may or may not be your customers directly; the goal of this is to be able to address the #1 above. If I put any real publicity into test-ipv6.com, I'll need help on this front.

Can you help? Do you have other ideas or suggestions? Please contact me, jfesler@test-ipv6.com.


Copyright (C) 2010, 2011 Jason Fesler. All rights reserved. -- r396
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